Convergence and The Big Push
We are in the final phases of preparation for a global government, and the evidence is comes from three major areas—economics, environmental, and extraterrestrial threats.
The-powers-that-be have been planning our one world government for a long time, and conniving ways that we might be brought together. Twenty-some years ago, for example, American president Ronald Reagan mused that if there were a big external threat from say, the likes of sinister aliens, then the entire world could rally together as one. The idea was not new. It grew out of the Report from Iron Mountain, a "leaked government document" published in the popular press in 1967. The Iron Mountain report was supposedly created by fifteen experts in various fields that were asked to produce a report on how to deal with the problems that might arise from a condition of permanent peace. Although that was ostensibly the question they were charged with, somehow that was not the question that they answered. Instead the reply was that ongoing war, or a credible substitute for war, was an absolutely necessary condition to control the populace. They also offered the following substitute “institutions,” among others, for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war:
- In the political sphere a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies.
- In the sociological arena: control function. a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model. a) A modern sophisticated form of slavery. Motivational function. a) Intensified environmental pollution. b) New religions or other mythologies.
Actually all three methods are being used, and since we are in the final phase, The Big Push is on, and we are only weeks, or even days away from “convergence.” Convergence is the term that I use for that time when all three efforts will be brought to their implementation or culmination. Each aspect of the Big Push should make us want to join together as one global family. The hope is that all three happening at the same time will definitely make us want to drop all attachment to artificially imposed boundaries and discover our common humanity, AND at the same time make us call out to government leaders to SAVE US!!! They will willingly oblige us by offering us a global government with very restricted freedoms.
I pointed out the Economic Push a couple of weeks ago in the piece about the Gingerbread Man (see below). In a life threatening situation the Gingerbread Man took the help of the fox who promised to help him, only to devour him. In our story the fox is the global government, and we are all gingerbread men now. In that article I detail how all of the plans are being laid to bring us inexorably to a global government that is responsible to no one. The Economic Push could see its culmination with another economic tsunami similar to the one we thought we just rode out. In any case the stage is being set and the curtain will rise before long on the final act of that play.
The Big Push environmentally is slated to take place in Copenhagen on December 20, just a few weeks away. The Climate Treaty that will be signed there will in fact establish a global government, and those exact words are in the treaty, according to Lord Christopher Monckton, who gave a presentation in St. Paul, Minnesota projecting that President Obama is scheduled to sign away America’s independence. Of course since the “Climate-Gate” scandal exploded days ago revealing document destruction, coordinated efforts in the U.S. and UK to avoid complying with freedom of information laws, and apparent and widespread intent to defraud at the highest levels of international climate science bodies, what was almost a foregone conclusion has now become a cliffhanger. My prediction is that this will not be too big a problem. Lies will be covered with more preposterous lies, and the deal will be sealed.
That leaves the third prong, one which we have only had hints and glimpses of so far—and that is the aliens. According to one of my facebook friends “they” are supposed to be revealed as early as today! Others say that none other than Obama will reveal the long-held secret that we are in contact with alien life forms.
Just so you don’t get the wrong idea, I don’t follow all of this too closely, mostly I read the headlines, and sometimes that is too much. But that can be enough to understand the big picture. When the headlines are grouped together you can easily see how we are being prepared for the inevitable event. Knowing the plot of the play, as I see headlines that support it I copy the file. Below you will find a list of file name of the stories that I have noted in my normal browsing habits. I began to gather these when I noted that there was an unusual shift to increasing openness, acceptance and reporting of alien life, and noticed that it was coming from all quarters—from governments around the world, from scientists, astronauts, and even the Vatican!
The support must first be laid for alien life, and the scientists are doing that by finding life on earth in very unusual places, such as in glaciers, and in the stratosphere, suggesting that life can appear in many places we formerly thought impossible. Maybe life can be in other places previously thought impossible. Then water is found on Mars, suggesting that yes, there could have been life on Mars at one time too. And they now calculate that there must be billions and even trillions of other planets out there, similar to our earth, that can support life. Even our space experts, our astronauts, are telling us that “yes, aliens are real,” and if anybody, those out-of-this-world travelers should know.
Then the Vatican is doing their part to prepare Christians by reversing their millennia old position that there is no other life besides that on earth, and they are even joining in the search. But the Director of the Vatican Observatory, the Jesuit priest Father Jose Gabriel Funes, has gone much further than to state that there are merely extraterrestrials. He has said that intelligent extraterrestrial life may not have experienced a ‘fall’, and may be, “free from Original Sin… [remaining] in full friendship with their creator.” We agree with him that there are indeed intelligent beings on other planets of this nature. In the Vedic tradition we refer to these beings as “demigods,” who carry out universal administrative functions. Formerly they would visit the earth, but no longer do so due to the sinful condition of this planet in the Kali yuga. Although I found it difficult to give Project Blue Beam much credence, the idea coming from Father Funes gives that possibility credibility.
The trend is unmistakable – we are being prepared to accept that “they are real” (wasn’t that the name of an old sci fi movie?). Of course they are. The Vedic literatures explain that there is life everywhere, and that there are hundreds of thousands of intelligent life forms. This was very nicely explained by the late Sadaputa Das (Richard L. Thompson) in his remarkable book “Alien Identities.”
Here are the headlines. A simple search on the title should bring you the web pages:
- Scientists Find Life In Very Strange Places
- Ancient microbes discovered alive beneath Antarctic glacier
- Scientists find new reserves of water on Mars - Times Online
- Scientists take search for Mars life beyond water - News - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington
- Scientists Now Know We're Not From Here!
- Scientific 'Explanations' Lacking In Mexico UFO Case
- New “SuperEarth” planets point to alien life elsewhere
- Godlike Productions - News_ NASA_ Hunt for Earth-like planets is on
- 30 Billion Earths New Estimate Of Exoplanets In Our Galaxy
- We are not alone_ 'trillions' of planets could be supporting life - Times Online
- Shuttle astronauts say alien life does exist - Telegraph
- Aliens 'already exist on earth', Bulgarian scientists claim - Telegraph
- Aliens 'may be living among us' undetected by science - Times Online
- The Canadian National Newspaper - Famed NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are real
- Vatican - It's OK to believe in aliens
- Pope's astronomer insists alien life 'would be part of God's creation' - Europe, News - The Independent
- The Vatican joins the search for alien life - Telegraph
- Vatican Prepares For Extraterrestrial Disclosure
- Japan's Defense Minister Prepares Options For UFO-ET Attack
- Football Field Sized UFO 50 Feet Over Texas School
- 'Mile-wide UFO' spotted by British airline pilot the Daily Mail
- UFO makes surprise fly-by cameo appearance in live news bulletin Mail Online
- UFO fleet menaces east London • The Register
- UFOs attacking Ukraine
- Mexico - Chihuaha Residents Experiences With UFOs.htm
- KGB’s secret UFO files finally made public – Pravda.Ru
- Brazil UFO files made public
- Danish UFO files now open to public
- Finland Releases UFO Files
- French UFO Files Made Public
- British 'X Files' revealed – UFO sightings in Britain made public
- Secret UFO files made public by UK Ministry of Defence
- KGB ran secret laboratories to study extraterrestrial civilizations – Pravda.Ru
- Barack Obama’s inaugural speech predicts “extraterrestrial event” on scale of Iraq war says expert
In the year since this was last posted I have continued tracking aliens in the news. The propaganda has continued with these headlines:
And here is the real kicker! Taking cues from Walmart about how to portray a friendly image, the UN has appointed an official greeter for alien visitors:
Now here is further confirmation that this plan has been in the works for decades and may soon come to fruition. This video is from a conference of "the Disclosure Project" held in the year 2001.
So the beat goes on. We are being prepared for contact, which they hope will sufficiently frighten everyone into accepting space-based weapons and a global government to protect us all from THEM. What to do? Prepare yourself by working on your own spiritual life, because after all, in the final act, we are all aliens here - spiritual beings living in a material world who will all leave this world for another place unknown to us. The death rate is still 100% and in human life we have the opportunity to prepare for our journey after the experience in this body is finished. Using that time to our best advantage will also help raise the level of consciousness on the entire planet which will help the solution. The solution that I suggest is calling on the help of, and taking shelter of, the Lord by chanting His names with the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, the great chanting for deliverance: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Try it for yourself. Chant, and be happy.
And if any readers can help me learn about formatting on blogger, I would be most grateful!