Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Even a Child Can Understand the Ruse

In the video below 12 year-old Victoria Grant explains why there is a debt crisis and how it can be solved. No, she is not reading from a tele-prompter (like most politicians do). The money system is not difficult to understandeven a child can understand itand it is painfully obvious to anybody who takes the trouble to educate themselves about this important matter, that the people are enslaved to the banking interests. So what shall we do? Knowingly continue to live as slaves? Or shall we find a new way of living that allows us maximum freedom?

The problem, that is not stated here, is not the banking system in and of itself (it didn't create itself), but the people behind the banking systemthe banksters, and the politicians who have aided and abetted this theft, for a hundred years.

What is going to be done with them? They are the problem and they are not just going to say "aw, shucks, I'm sorry" and promise to be nice. They are demonic and will find a way to exploit any monetary system that is created. If you need an education on this fact learn the diabolical history of money from Bill Still here.

Moreover, it is not likely that they are just going to roll-over and let go of the control of the world that they have enjoyed for millennia. They are going to use every resource they can command to keep the slavery going, and in fact that is just what they have in mind with their New World Order. Since they don't need 7 billion slaves they will do their best to kill 95% of them (us) and totally enslave the restno question about it. What's going to stop that from happening? In our opinion there is no solution without a spiritual revolution!

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